Featured Book

Suffering Eyes: A Chronicle of Awakening by Canadian author Franceen Neufeld was released in November 2013. Order your copy here.

"Suffering Eyes is a chronicle of awakening to the suffering of others. Through compelling personal reflections, leading into deeper and fuller commentary, Franceen Neufeld illuminates in herself the truths that we so often tuck away in the corners of our conscience. The truth, in this case, is plain: suffering lies at our feet and we are responsible. What do we do with that? Do we escape it or do we face it? This book is about what happens when we face it. Suffering Eyes is a work of courage, beauty, truth, hope, and unconstrained love. Above all, it is a mission of rescue."
- Calvin Neufeld, Editor

All proceeds from the book go to farmed animal sanctuary. For more information visit www.sufferingeyes.com.


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Box 2012
Perth, Ontario
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